ffdshow tryouts project, svn 4440(x86/x64)
29.04.2012 20:44

ffdshow (x86/x64) - медиа декодер, обычно используемый для быстрого и высокоточного декодирования видеопотока в MPEG-4 ASP (то есть кодированного с помощью DivX, Xvid или FFmpeg MPEG-4) и AVC (H.264) форматов, также поддерживает множество иных видео и аудиоформатов. Является свободным программным обеспечением, выпускаемым под лицензией GPL, работает под Windows в качестве фильтра DirectShow.


FFDSHOW is a DirectShow decoding filter for decompressing DivX, XviD, H.264, FLV1, WMV, MPEG-1 and MPEG-2, MPEG-4 movies. It uses libavcodec from ffmpeg project for video decompression, postprocessing code from mplayer to enhance visual quality of low bitrate movies, and is based on original DirectShow filter from XviD, which is GPL'ed educational implementation of MPEG4 encoder. seo
Поддерживаемые языки / Supported languages: BG, BR, CZ, DE, EN, ES, FI, FR, HU, IT, JA, JP, PL, RU, SC, SE, SK, TC


Изменения / Changes (4431-4440):


  • Update installer;

  • Updated Libav;

  • Removed libmpeg2 from installer.;

  • Merge experimental branch except rev 4403.
      Optimization of SPP deblocking by multi-threading and SSSE3.
      enable SPP deblocking for x64.
      Improved dialog of post-processing.
      Improved auto post-processing.
      Set extended color information in VIDEOINFOHEADER2::dwControlFlags in the output mediatype. (rev 4401)
      remove vobsub support (except DVD sub).
      remove real time subtitle text correction feature.;

  • Sync with IntelQuickSync Decoder 0.31 (rev49)
    Added missing version files.
    Fixed AVC1 streams with AnnexB format.
    Fixed rare case where H264 was corrupt and reported a huge frame rate along with horribly bad time stamps (previous commit)
    Changed behavior with corrupted frames - they get discarded at the start of a stream.
    Updated H264 NALU parsing code from LAV filters.
    Added some inline comments.;

  • Small bugfix for mpeg-2 decoder selection.


(x86: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 (), Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7.0a, DirectX SDK v.9.29.1962, Mingw-w64 (i686-w64-mingw32) with GCC 4.7.1 (Pre-release, svn rev. 186932, 2012.04.28) x86_32, Intel Parallel Composer 2011

(x64: Microsoft Visul C++ 2010 SP1 (), Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7.0a, DirectX SDK v.9.29.1962, Mingw-w64 (x86_64-w64-mingw32) with GCC 4.7.1 (Pre-release, svn rev. 186932, 2012.04.28) x86_64).



Полный лог изменений / Changes log


Скачать / Download:

ffdshow x86:

icon ffdshow tryouts project, svn 4440 (x86) icl12 (5.47 Мбайт 2012-04-29 20:43:57)

icon ffdshow tryouts project, svn 4440 (x86) - MSVC2010 (4.68 Мбайт 2012-04-29 20:43:34)


ffdshow x64:

icon ffdshow tryouts project, svn 4440 (x64) - MSVC2010 (4.75 Мбайт 2012-04-29 20:43:07)




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